Erasmus+ project European Youth Voices connects the priorities of young people in Austria, Serbia, Italy, Latvia and Poland with EU objectives. Through a comparative analysis and specific recommendations concerning implementation at national level they support mainstreaming youth policies while also creating an international network made up of youngsters, activists and more!
Within the project, young people from Austria had the opportunity to participate in various international training course targeting all 11 European Youth Goals and engage in interactive workshops and discussion to raise awareness of these goals and youth strategies across Europe. The following training courses have been organised with their respective topics:
- Niš, Serbia: Inclusion, equality, tolerance and space for all
- Online: Green Europe and environmental protection
- Corato Italy: Rural youth, quality education and employment for all
- Online: Connecting EU with youth and Youth organizations and European programs
- Krakow, Poland: Information and constructive dialogue and mental health and wellbeing of young people
Each of these trainings have brought together 25 young people and youth workers who subsequently had the chance to take matters into their own hands and organise a series of local activities across Austria. These activities were in forms of youth dialogues, roundtable discussions, public debates and lecture, involving even more youngsters in important matters and giving them voice to speak up about current youth issues or concerns.
Besides training and local events, initial phase of the project consisted of extensive national research carried out in each partner country, focusing on a comparative analysis of national youth strategic
documents and similar youth policies including relevant data on the opinion of young people and recommendations on how to improve actions for achievement of 11 youth goals. Read the full report in English or German!

European Youth Together is forging connections and creating opportunities for the next generation of young innovators. Starting with a regional focus, they are enabling youth to come together through exchanges, training events, mentor programs – even projects led by the folks themselves! All these activities can be hosted in-person or virtually; so whatever your city looks like right now – there’s always room at EYT’s table!
Project number: 101090120 – ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-YOUTH-TOG